Today’s Reflection December 5
Giving Myself A Break
We don’t prescribe doing the Steps by formula or exactly the same way some other member does them. We do the Steps in our own way and time (SA 186).
When I go into SA, although I refrained from acting out, once I started working the Steps I still was filled with self-hatred. In doing my Fourth Step, I neglected to add to my growth and the good things I was grateful for. In addition, I felt that if I did not work each Step perfectly, I was destined to fail. This brought me to the edge of the cliff many times.
What I have realized today is that the wisdom of the slogan “Easy Does It” could relieve me from the bondage of perfectionism. Step One is the only Step I can work 100 percent. After that, I can move in “baby steps” and progress at the rate my Higher Power sees best for me.
Once I am willing to give myself a break, I am able to give others a break and stop expecting perfection from them. I can let go of their defects and practice Live and Let Live.
My sponsor compares working the program to wearing a loose garment; the program fits comfortably, covers everything, and at the same time does not wrap me up tightly. When I “wear” the program in this way, I have freedom to work the Steps successfully, while at the same time allowing myself to make mistakes, progress at a healthy rate, and depend on my Higher Power, instead of my unhealthy compulsion to “get it all right, right now.”
I did not get here in a day, so “Easy Does It” but do it, and that gives me the break I need today!
God, thank you for allowing us to give myself a break from perfectionism.